We explain everything related to the Guest Pass

What is a Guest Pass?

A Guest Pass is a special invitation that allows you to explore the Travel Advantage club for free.

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Normally, access to the club requires a subscription fee, but with the Guest Pass, you can temporarily enjoy the club's benefits without any charges.

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Can I book a hotel?

Absolutely! As a guest member, you have full access to the platform. However, if your reservation exceeds 2 nights, you need to upgrade your membership.

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We offer the default option of subscribing to an annual membership to cover the reservation period.

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VIP 365

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You can choose this option if you're satisfied, or only if the total cost of the reservation (including the subscription) remains advantageous compared to your usual booking method.

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You can also opt for the monthly option without commitment, which may be more advantageous in terms of pricing.

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Can I get a Guest Pass?

Guest Passes are limited in number and not available to everyone.

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To obtain one, please send us an email request using the provided link.

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We will send you an invitation as soon as possible, subject to availability.

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If you're unable to obtain a Guest Pass or prefer to explore our services without immediate commitment, you can still opt for a monthly paid subscription, with a cancellation option if you're not satisfied.

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